Short Span
For new single or multi-span footbridges with a longest clear span of 30m or less.
The entry fee for each project submission for this category is £150/US$200/€175.
Medium Span
For new single or multi-span footbridges with a longest clear span between 30.1m and 60m.
The entry fee for each project submission for this category is £150/US$200/€175.
Long Span
For new single or multi-span footbridges with a longest clear span greater than 60m.
The entry fee for each project submission for this category is £150/US$200/€175.
Movable Bridges
For all types of new movable pedestrian or cycle bridges.
The entry fee for each project submission for this category is £150/US$200/€175.
New Life
Renovation, refurbishment, reuse or retrofit bridge project for the primary benefit of pedestrians, cyclists and/or equestrians. Please note that this category is open to crossings other than footbridges, eg road viaducts, but only where these have been altered with the main purpose of benefitting pedestrians/cyclists/equestrians, for example repurposing a rail viaduct as a pedestrian/cycling space. A highway bridge refurbishment project that includes the pedestrian walkway would not apply.
The entry fee for each project submission for this category is £150/US$200/€175.
Jonathan Speirs Lighting Award
For a new lighting scheme on a new or existing footbridge of any size. Created in memory of Jonathan Speirs of Speirs & Major.
The entry fee for each project submission for this category is £150/US$200/€175.
The Bridges Sustainability Award
Recognising innovation in the reduction of carbon emissions in footbridge design and construction.
The entry fee for each project submission for this category is £150/US$200/€175.